Lean Six Sigma
White Lable
PowerPoint Pack

Teach Your Own Six Sigma Courses
in Your Own Brand!
Comprehensive training slides in Microsoft PowerPoint format that you can fully customize. Replace our logo with yours, change the color scheme, even remove our copyright marks.
Lean Six Sigma White Label PowerPoint Pack (.pptx)
Explore the rich content within our Lean Six Sigma White Label PowerPoint Pack. We cover the full D.M.A.I.C. methodology and stay focused on the principles and fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma. Packed with real-world examples and discussions with dozens of How-to articles emphasizing Six Sigma analytics using step-by-step guides for how to use Minitab, JMP, or SigmaXL for your analysis.
- Lean and Six Sigma principles and fundamentals.
- Detailed Exploration of the DMAIC Methodology.
- In-Depth Statistical analysis
- Step-by-Step Instruction using Minitab, JMP, or SigmaXL.
- Examples and Case Studies.
- Includes Instructor Notes
These .pptx training slides perfectly complement your included online Lean Six Sigma Certification Course and Exams.
What Else is Included?
Give Your Students a PROFESSIONAL Experience!
Give your students access our online courses, tests, quizzes, certification exams, tools, templates, and soo much more.. Here's How it works...
As a PowerPoint Pack customer, you'll have tho option to provide registration keys to your students so they can register to our site giving them access to whatever you defined for them. Teach your course and have your students take our official certification exam. Or, give them full eLearning access with certification and all downloads. Full access pricing per user is below. Just inquire about a registration key.