Run Chart with Minitab

Why we use a Run Chart A run chart is a chart used to present data in time order. These charts capture process performance over time. The X axis indicates time and the Y axis shows the observed values. A run chart is similar to a scatter plot in that it shows the relationship between X and…

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Run Chart with SigmaXL

Why we use a Run Chart with SigmaXL A run chart with SigmaXL is a chart used to present data in time order. These charts capture process performance over time. The X axis indicates time and the Y axis shows the observed values. A run chart is similar to a scatter plot in that it…

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Run Chart with JMP

What is a Run Chart? A run chart is a chart used to present data in time order. Run charts capture process performance over time. The X axis of a run chart indicates time and the Y axis shows the observed values. A run chart is similar to a scatter plot in that it shows…

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