Using Lean Six Sigma in Your Daily Life

Using Lean Six Sigma in your Daily Life

What is Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma is a quality improvement process used by many corporations and organizations worldwide. There are several benefits for using this methodology for any business large or small. These same valuable tools and methods are ways of using Lean Six Sigma in your daily life.

Your Plan

As a new year begins, resolutions and renewed energy drives us to improve our quality of life, personally and professionally. This is a great time to incorporate the DMAIC methodology to attain any type of goal you set. So many times we make plans to improve our daily life but the factors to achieve success have not been properly laid out. What do you want to accomplish; today, this month, this year? Whether it be short-term or long-term, your plan needs to be clearly defined with what you want to change then identify the factors.

Your Strategy

Maybe this is the year you want to buy a house. A down payment is your long-term goal. Here is where using Lean Six Sigma in your daily life will come into play. Defining your plan should clearly state how you want to save money. Determining where and how you spend your money is the Measurement phase of the process. A planned and thought-out budget, listing income, expenses, wants and needs will help you see where changes can be made. Easier said than done, you have set this goal before, and you still wonder where your money is going. Here is where the Analyzing step comes into play. Identifying the problem and the cause of your spending. To minimize the risk of using your savings for unplanned medical bills or car repairs, planning ahead and preparing for these surprise expenses by listing ways to aid in your savings goal. Once you have your new plan in place Improving and implementing your solutions are the key factors in accomplishing your goal. Coupons and carpooling, bringing your coffee and lunch to work are approaches to use in your savings process.

Your Accomplishment

Now that you have a solution, stay accountable and in Control. Updating and maintaining your new budget will keep you on track to attaining your savings goal and your new home. Now you can clearly see the process, and how easily it can be applied, you are able to integrate the Six Sigma methods in your work, volunteer organizations, and your household.

When you begin using Lean Six Sigma in your daily life, soon enough you will integrate these tools into your daily routines, not just for an improvement process in a corporate management project.

Lean Six Sigma Certification Options

Yellow Belt

Green Belt

Black Belt

About Michael Parker

Michael Parker is the founder and president of Lean Sigma Corporation, a leading Lean Six Sigma certification provider, and licensor of premium training content to universities and corporations world wide. Michael has over 25 years of experience leading and executing Lean Six Sigma programs and projects. As a Fortune 50 senior executive, Michael led oversight of project portfolios as large as 150 concurrent projects exceeding $100 million in annual capital expenditures. Michael has also managed multi-site operations with the accountability of over 250 quality assurance managers, analysts, and consultants. He is an economist by education, earning his Bachelor of Science degree from Radford University while also lettering four years as an NCAA Division I scholarship athlete. Michael earned his Six Sigma Master Black Belt certification from Bank of America and his Black Belt certification from R.R. Donnelley & Sons. He holds nine U.S. Copyrights for his "Learn Six Sigma" publications, and a U.S. Patent.